First off, safe wishes to all those in the path of Harvey and Irma.
We watched this storm closely to see if we needed to adjust our plans and head home to family, friends and property…. We are grateful to Shawn for taking care of all of the household prep and kitties and Jenna for chipping in and carrying kayaks and other items inside! With friends and family all over the state, we sent positive protecting vibes, and anxiously waited to hear how everyone is. Scott did a great job keeping in touch as we hovered over our phones and drove to find wifi near the small Acadia town’s library.
Yes, watching a category 5 storm that is heading straight for your home is hard, but not as hard as watching it head straight for your area and your kids are there and you are not, which is not as hard as watching the storm head straight to your house and you are directly in harms way.
How does one hope that the storm’s path avoids you knowing that it will then veer more towards someone else? How does one decide when it is time to head home because the course is very fickle and wobbles and makes gamblers out of all of us. How does one head into a storm with an RV that is not built to withstand the hurricane winds? Luckily the messages from home have been that all will be well… except Jenna’s car that took a direct hit by a large tree.

Yes, under that tree is Jenna’s car that she loves (loved) oh so much!

The backyard Gumbo Limbo had some serious branches blow off. Luckily they fell just shy of serious contact with our sunroom and windows.

A large branch from a tree feel so very very close to our front entrance.

Jenna’s car was our only real casualty of Irma’s visit.

“Keeping things light,” as I was told, with a hurricane cookie cake!

We have all seen the maps, forecasts and probabilities. How vital they are to preparing and saving lives. Thank you meteorologists and storm nerds! You are my heroes!